Lionsgate Wedding – Denver, CO

Chris & Lindsay

You might remember these two from their engagement shoot a few months back. Well, here they are brightening up the blog on Valentine’Lios Day, and it makes me so happy!  These two are in love .  For me what they have is the very definition of love, it wasn’t boisterous yet it was strong.  There love felt like forever.   Like a roses wish.  The reason birds sing.  It was soo great to witness!  You might be asking why I am writing like this, well…  It’s Valentine’s Day and I don’t hate it like every one else.  Sure it’s a little commercialized, but I believe in the power of love and I love people who are in love, I mean that is my job isn’t it!? I don’t say you have to be all weird and make a quilt or something like that (that actually be pretty rad)  but celebrate love like these two!  Enjoy life and be intentional about the person you want!  Express yourself today!  Make her smile, rattle her heart, loose your inhibitions and let love fly!!   Okay, Okay, settle down A.D., now back to these two lovebirds!  Chris & Lindsya got married at Lionsgate which is right outside of Denver and they had Bella Calla  do their floral arrangements and I must  say they made some awesome hanging artichokes, fret no my friend there are pictures of them below taken by the Sony RX1!  I have been loving that little camera, I am not totally sold on it yet, but I definitely enjoy shooting that unobtrusive intuitive little camera 🙂  Well I hope that you enjoy what we did here, I have to thank Steven Wade for coming along with me, it’s always a blast my friend!  And of course a big thanks to Chris and Lindsay for being in love and for letting me come and do what I love!   Happy Valentine’s Day Folks!

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Colorado Scenic Byway Guanella Pass Engagement Shoot

Adonye Jaja is a fine art wedding photographer servicing Denver and the World. He is passionate about creating beautiful and thoughtful photographs for wonderful people.


T. 720 490 9069

E. [email protected]