Aright, so here it is my first Nigerian wedding and fittingly, my first wedding as the official principal photographer!! It was an awesome day and well spent with a fantastic couple – Titi & Remi! . If you can’t tell from my name; Adonye Jaja, I am Nigerian, but I have lived in the states for almost all of my life. Many of the traditional and cultural Nigerian customs have been lost to me. So I can not begin to tell you how unbelievably joyous it was to attend, photograph, and be a part of Titi and Remi’s Wedding! Friday started off, as the pictures show, with a traditional engagement ceremony. I won’t go into great detail about what happened at this ceremony, but here is a summary that is also a pretty good description of the entire weekend. Laughter, Prayer, Worship, Dancing, Spraying (dollar dance -Naija style), and repeat. yeah, what more could you want? Well, the next day at the wedding ceremony there was plenty of Laughter, Prayer, Worship, Dancing and Spraying, and then again at the reception there was laughter….you get the idea! So much fun, and oh was I sweating like a….there isn’t anything that sweats like me, ha ha! Anyway, I have to thank my little brother Someari Benson-jaja for assisting me at this weekend, I couldn’t have photographed this without him. Many congrats to Titi and Remi!! I wish you many more picture perfect moments!