Kaitlin & Jon
Your probably thinking, Oh nooo Adonye Jaja has gone crazy. How can he title a wedding the coolest wedding ever? Well, I am not crazy this was literally the coolest wedding I have ever photographed. The couples last name is Cool with a K. Soo it’s actually spelled Kool! I probably should have been writing it with a K all of this time so please forgive me, cool? Ha, ha. So the Kools are also very cool. They had their Kool wedding at a beautiful private residence in Evergreen Coolorado! (Ha ha see what I did there?). Most, of their friends and family all flew in from out of town which made this a super fun destination wedding! (Man, I just missed an opportunity to say cool instead of fun – won’t happen again.) I must say both the Kool’s and the Flynn’s were great families! Not only was I photographing the union of two people, moreover the timeless melting of two families under God. It was beautiful to witness! Kaitlin and the ladies over a L Elizabeth events planned a stellar wedding. There was so much detail including crazy mismatch chairs from Chairs with Character, and beautiful flowers from Bella Calla! It was a blast to photograph. I have to point out their Kool – aid stand that was stocked with leaded and unleaded Kool – aid! In a moment of air brainery, I assumed leaded meant sweetened and grabbed a cup to quench my thirsty gullet. But in fact it did not mean sweetened and that is where my story ends ..silly ole me. On another note, I was joined by one of the coolest photographers in the land, Otto Schulze! Otto is one of the worlds best wedding photographers. He is so good it makes me a little mad sometimes, but it was a great joy to have him along for this wedding. His images continue to inspire me, Thanks Big OT! Most of all, thanks to Kaitlin and Jon for having me along, it was an immense pleasure!